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Vehicle Dynamics
This includes:
Drive Train
Drive Train
According to the design requirements, the vehicle should go at 80km/hr. After performing the required calculations it was decided to use:
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Rear wheel with sprockets and derailleur |
Front sprocket |
Chain front to back |
For more information about the drive train, contact:
The steering system of the vehicle is composed of:
1) Two four bar mechanisms which are connected by a common link, 2) which is rotated by a universal joint, 3) connected to the steering arm, 4) that is fixed to the steering handle rotated by the driver.
Click on a picture to enlarge it in a new window
For more information about the steering system, contact:
In order to increase the safety measures of the vehicles, two independent braking systems were used. Caliper brakes were used for the rear wheel. While, the two front wheels used two drum brakes that are applied to the wheels at the same time.
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For more information about the braking, contact:
Main Page|Introduction|Frame|Vehicle Dynamics|Aerodynamics|Testing|Who did it?